The Exhibition Review
The Theme:The Lines
Artist:William Jauquet
Location:China World
As a gifted artist, artist William Jauquet taught himself to create sculptures. Before 1978, he worked in a real estate agency. He began his career as a folk art sculptor when he accidentally carved a swan for his wife’s antique shop at the age of 35. In 1985, the American Museum of Folk Art held an exhibition of William Jauquet’s works. His work began to receive national attention ever since, and he started to become a professional sculpture artist. His works are popular with collectors at home and abroad. It was many year ago that a bronze horse sculpture at the Edgewood Art Gallery was acquired by collectors for a high price.
Today, the artist continues to explore in the field of sculpture media, and still uses a wide range of different materials in his creation field. Diversified materials enable him to maximize the free creation space of art. Wood, ceramics, clay, bronze, different materials can satisfy his desire for different shapes and forms. William’s obsession with lines and form allows his work to retain grace and complexity while also displaying a fascination with power. Each work of the artist presents distinct and unique differences in its concise lines. The irreplaceable charm of different animals is also released in the rhythm of the lines. The artist’s unique artistic techniques and serious, rigorous treatment of art are widely praised.